But this would mean that all the astronauts and cosmonauts have lied about their experiences, as well as the thousands of men and women who’ve assisted them. He asserted that NASA uses secret studios to concoct these photographs and that men never really reached the moon. I asked another flat-Earth apologist what he thought of the millions of pictures and videos of Earth’s rounded surface taken from space since the 1960s, with dozens posted almost daily from the International Space Station. Earth’s gyroscopic motion gives it the very stability that Psalm 104:5 teaches. If it did, then we would have to deny earthquakes, hundreds of parallax measurements, and Scriptures like Job 9:6! 3 Instead, it simply describes a stable earth. This verse does not teach an utterly rigid earth. A bicycle frame holds its wheels so they will not shake back and forth, move from their mounts, or get thrown from the frame-yet the wheels spin. The Hebrew verb here for “moved” is môt, meaning to be shaken, moved, or overthrown. One flat-Earth proponent tried to persuade me that Psalm 104:5, which says Earth’s foundations “should not be moved,” means that Earth cannot spin like a classroom globe because spinning is a type of movement. Isaiah 40:22 cites “the circle of the earth,” and Proverbs 8:27 also references the earth’s circularity. Fortunately, both sources offer clear descriptions of the real, round earth. The question matters because if the Bible and science both describe a spherical earth, then those who depart from these sources of knowledge stray from reality. 1,2 Do we know the earth is round, and does it matter?

A growing number of people seem to actually believe the earth is flat, a view that a few NBA stars recently voiced.

Some readers might think the answer to this question is so obvious that maybe we’re offering it as a kind of joke-but it’s no joke.