
Download real player 11 free
Download real player 11 free

Once installed, ! RealPlayer is accessed via Applications > Sound & Video > ! RealPlayer11 or entering realplay or realplayer in the Terminal. Please refer to the 64-bit RealPlayer section of this guide. A true 64-bit version is under development. It can be run on 64-bit systems with 32-bit libraries which are automatically installed by Synaptic or APT.

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The release version of ! RealPlayer11 is a 32-bit application. bin files will not be registered with APT, are not supported by respository updates, and must be removed manually. deb packages created with alien may differ from the same type of packages offered by third-party organizations. Some third-party repositories, like those maintained by [ Medibuntu, have introduced authentication procedures which help ensure the integrity of the available files.Package removal can be accomplished via the Terminal or Synaptic. Third-party repositories may offer updates. The installation methods presented below are listed in priority to allow the best integration with Ubuntu. ! RealPlayer can be installed through a variety of methods.

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When an newer version of RealPlayer becomes available change the file name accordingly in the terminal commands presented in this guide. It is located in the non-free section of third-party repositories which the user must specifically enable. Please Note: RealPlayer is proprietary software, is not supported by the Ubuntu community, and is not available from the official Ubuntu repositories. RealPlayer for Linux is based on the open-source Helix Player which can be found at the Helix Community Website. It supports a number of audio and video codecs such as realaudio, realvideo, mp3, ogg vorbis and theora, h263, and AAC. ! RealPlayer is a media player originally developed by RealNetworks in 1995.

  • 3.1 Install realplayer from the Repositories.

  • Download real player 11 free